There are changes in the printables feature this year 2022.
The printables feature had been enhanced. Most issues identified in the past had been fixed in this new version.
Also, instead of being able to create a printable from the Create Activity button, it will now be available as a converted version of your interactive activity, this means you will first need to create an interactive and convert it to a printable.
Naturally, each activity will have different options available for conversion, depending on the content user added to the activity, as was the case so far.
We have narrowed down the printable templates available:
- Airplane printable
- Anagram printable
- Crossword printable
- Drawing Frame printable
- Group sort printable
- Labelled diagram printable
- Match up printable
- Name Sheet printable
- Quiz printable
- Random wheel printable
- Rank order printable
- Register printable
- Seating plan printable
- Whack-a-mole printable
- Wordsearch printable
- Writing Frame printable
Change in the options section.
Different printable templates will have different content options, and the way they are presented is a bit changed. Here is an example for Labelled Diagram, which is printable that contains all possible options.
Some will have less than this (Random wheel naturally doesn't have the option to display results etc.)
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